Stream in Node JS by Gautam Kumar Samal on October 22, 2020 1,209 views

Want to discuss the concepts and usages for a stream in general, and not the full technical aspects of it. The examples and terminologies are inherited from NodeJS. I am sure you’ll find alternative variants in other languages. Although streaming isn’t a new concept, there is quite some confusion when we think about implementing one. What is a stream? Is it a data type? Well, no! Some common data types that we are aware of…
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) by Sudip Banerjee on September 22, 2020 1,055 views

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a framework that allows you to apply agile practices at an enterprise level. The 5 minutes video below will give a brief idea of the same. But before we dive into SAFe, let’s take a look into Agile, the building block of SAFe. Agile scrum methodology is a project management system that relies on incremental development. Each iteration consists of two to four-week sprints, where each sprint's goal is…
Tips to make Programming Enjoyable! by N. Mahadevan on September 3, 2020 1,231 views

Let’s face it; Although coding is usually fun, sometimes it gets monotonous. We just hit the wall, forget the actual purpose, and eventually burn out. Sharing a developer’s experience, we spend more days analysing the task and finding the right way ahead. But in this flow we often get lost and confused. Eventually we spend long weekends brainstorming and become irritable, losing our focus and leading to loss of interest in programming.So, now the question…
Crank up the UI development by Maulik Desai on August 12, 2020 2,144 views

Nowadays, UI holds a great power; thanks to Javascript and other UI frameworks. We now have better control over the UI and can develop the UI with complex functionalities effectively. But, there are many factors that can affect the agility of UI development like Code structureCode complexityCode readability and qualityBlah blah blah... But wait.... in that blah blah blah one thing is "a LOT of manual and monotonous work" and we're going to discuss that…
Lambda Expressions in Java and its implementation by Kush Patel on July 28, 2020 1,436 views

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages. Despite origins dating back in 1995, it has consistently advanced over the years. One of the significant upgrades in Java after generics, was the introduction of lambda expression. Lambda expression is a function that can be passed around as if it was an object and invoked on demand. Lambda expressions combined with the Streams API allows programmers to write complex collection processing algorithms, focusing on…
Improve Machine Learning Binary Classification using Boosting by Maulik Dave on July 13, 2020 1,242 views

The theorists have come out and done something very remarkable, in the end, you have to say, wow, these are such powerful ideas. The idea we are looking into is easy to implement, and it’s extremely powerful in what it does, and it’s the essential item in anybody’s repertoire of learning “the machine-learning” and it’s algorithms. So it’s about letting multiple methods work on your behalf. Now we are looking for a herd that can…
Software Sleuthing – The Act of Being a Detective! by Prabhat Mishra on June 17, 2020 1,209 views

Software sleuthing or debugging is a process of investigating a problem within a computer program. Since it's an investigation, it always starts when someone notices or reports the problem. The problem could be an error or performance issue or it could be a functional anomaly. For example: Problem #1 - A user is getting HTTP 403 Forbidden error even after providing required access permissions. Problem #2 - A search operation at times takes more than…
Postgresql Incremental Backup by Charmi Chavda on May 28, 2020 1,040 views

Taking backups is essential nowadays. PostgreSQL provides three methods [SQL dump, File System Level Backup, Continuous Archiving(Incremental)] of providing backup. One can use any of these methods as per the need. In this article, we will learn to take Incremental backup on PostgreSQL. To understand Incremental Backup we first need to understand some basic terms related to it that is explained below: What is WAL(Write Ahead Logging) file? It is a file that stores operations…
Have Machine Learning and AI Applications attained the peak? by Mitul Shah on May 11, 2020 1,190 views

Is there anything that can beat the Human Instinct / Intelligence? If this question was asked a few years ago, the answer would have been, ”Definitely No”, but in recent times the answer has become “Debatable”. As Machine Learning and AI has arrived in the market and so swiftly they have made a certain space into the mighty IT industry, a question has been arising that is there any field where ML / AI cannot…
CORS and CSRF – Everything there is to know! by Gautam Kumar Samal on April 28, 2020 1,174 views

What is CORS? Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. A web application executes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a resource that has a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) from its own. As we can clearly see, it’s a browser thing. Most browsers enforce a certain standard…