Are we truly free? by Ravi Gopalan on September 1, 2017 2,161 views

India’s 71st Independence Day just went by. I had the proud privilege of hoisting the tricolor at a high school function. The word ‘freedom’ played hugely on my mind. I gratefully remembered the supreme sacrifice that our freedom fighters had made in India’s struggle for freedom. And then this question arose in my mind - are we really done with our ‘freedom’ struggle? The answer didn’t even take a second, in fact it didn’t even…
Employee or Customer – who comes first? by Ravi Gopalan on May 25, 2017 1,947 views

Its end April and the hot Indian summer has its arms tightly around us. Typically, during such times, one dreads visits especially by US/European customers. Just this last week we had one such team from KPMG visit us. We were pleasantly surprised as they took the relentless 42°C heat unflinchingly. It may not be an exaggeration if one said that they handled it better than us locals! In our case, their warm and fulsome appreciation…